Secret Heart Soundtrack Track 5: La Bamba

Fun fact about me: just like Avery in Secret Heart in middle school I had to memorize “La Bamba” by Ritchie Valens for extra credit. I still know the entire thing by heart and will occasionally sing it when asked, though it is not my go to Karaoke song (the B-52’s “Love Shack,” is but you’ll have to wait on that).

This song is infectious and plays during a key scene early on in the book. I dare you not to chair dance to this song on this rainy Saturday. And remember if you’re going to dance La Bamba, you need a little bit of grace.

Want more of the Secret Heart soundtrack, you can find the songs here.

2 thoughts on “Secret Heart Soundtrack Track 5: La Bamba

  1. Can’t wait to read it! Congratulations. I downloaded it today–just got home yesterday and am finally going through mail. Tried to send you an email, but the address I have is the on from Alex and it didn’t go through.


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